On the 21st of July 2016 the first partnership agreements were concluded within the activities of European Centre of Palaeontology. ECP was established by the Resolution of the Senate of Opole University number 142/2012-2016 as of 28th of January 2016. The purpose of ECP is developing full potential of palaeontological resources of Opole Region through scientific, educational, commercial and promotional work carried out together with national and foreign partners.
The first partnership agreements were concluded with scientific partners from Belgium: VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL, one of the leading Belgian universities, and with “De Belgische Vereniging voor Paleontologie” (Belgian Society of Palaeontology) – highly active organisation comprising palaeontologists, scientists as well as amateurs. Both agreements provide specific rules and terms of partnership in scientific, educational, commercial and promotional activities. Establishing master and Doctoral educational programmes is to be one of the first tasks implemented by the Partnerships.