The main aim is the set-up of a European research and education centre of palaeontology/palaeobiology, in the form of a refurbishment and extension of the current palaeontological pavilion at Krasiejów near Opole. By now, Krasiejów has become a famous locality where Upper Triassic sedimentary rocks are exposed that have yielded large numbers of fossils, mostly vertebrates but also invertebrate and plant taxa. The Opole area is also well known for its Late Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) marine fossils, mostly invertebrates, but rare vertebrate remains and plants have also been recorded. Close to Opole, Middle Triassic (Germanic facies, Muschelkalk) deposits are widely distributed as well, with profuse vertebrate and invertebrate fauna and ichnofossil assemblages. And last, but not least, a number of quarries with Jurassic and Carboniferous rocks are situated in the general area. In short, this is a prime site for scientific research and educational activities, first and foremost because the entire Mesozoic Era can be studied, as represented in a wide range of depositional environments.

The European Centre of Palaeontology (ECP) is to become a research, education and conference centre for the University of Opole and its partners. The centre is thought of as a tailor-made place for collecting, preparation, storage and study of fossils, and is to include museum exhibits. It may also serve as an anchor in the acquisition of scientific grants within international co-operative schemes, and thus improve the success rate.


Below please find some crucial data on the project – do not hesitate to contact us if you have any ideas and queries about ECP. We will be grateful for any comments that aid us in creating a successful partnership programme.



“Science is the result of collaboration.”


The aim of ECP is to make full use of the palaeontological potential of the region of Opole and to widen and strengthen international co-operation in the field of palaeontology.

  1. ECP operation will be realised through scientific, educational, commercial and promotional activities, in partnership with national and international institutes or persons.
  • Scientific activities will include organisation and co-ordination of integrated, interdisciplinary palaeontological research, carried out by international units.
  • Educational activities will include:
  • academic field (education of students on BA, MA and PhD levels)
  • general field (other forms of education directed at other groups of people).
  • Commercial activities will be executed by sales of manufactured goods, both material and immaterial; educational and laboratory services and other forms of obtaining funds.
  • Promotional activity will centre around the popularisation of information on ECP itself and on its members, in various forms.
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